The 2024 ERNDIM workshop will be held in conjunction with the 2024 SSIEM Symposium in Porto, Portugal on Tuesday 3rd Setember 2024. The programme for this meeting can be viewed here.
If you plan to attend the ERNDIM Workshop in person but will not be registering to attend the SSIEM symposium we will need to provide you with a letter of invitation from the SSIEM Symposium organiser to ensure you can access the meeting. If you do require a letter of invitation please use the link below to complete a short online form by Monday 26th August. If you are registered to attend the SSIEM symposium you do not need to complete this form.
Participant meetings for DPT schemes will be held in person for participants of those schemes. Slides from these meetings will not be published, however slides from the ERNDIM open session will be made available on the ‘Meetings & Reports‘ area of the ERNDIM website following the meeting.
If you have any questions or need more information about the Workshop, please contact